Atmiya University

About Department

Vision & Mission


The Computer Engineering department aims to provide students with a solid grounding in computer science fundamentals and engineering methodologies, enabling them to design, develop, and enhance computing systems. By nurturing innovation, critical thinking, and skills in both hardware and software integration, the department prepares students to tackle challenges in areas like artificial intelligence, embedded systems, cybersecurity, and networking. Emphasizing practical experience, interdisciplinary teamwork, and awareness of new technologies, the department ensures graduates are equipped to meet the evolving demands of the tech industry and advance in a rapidly changing field.

Program U.S.Ps

  • The State of the Art Laboratories and Infrastructure
  • Education balanced with leading-edge research and emphasis on leadership, service, and ethics.
  • Emphasizes on real time implementation of the subjects and encourages practical courses.
  • Improved education quality and student learning efficiency.
  • Industry Driven and Flexible curriculum
  • Graduates from the CE department are heavily recruited by many top companies.
  • Eminent Faculty with a rich mix of Academic and Industry Exposure

Graduate Attributes

  • An ability to apply knowledge of computing, mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and Computer engineering theory in design of computer-based systems to real-world problems.
  • The ability to practice Computer engineering using up-to-date techniques, skills, and tools as a result of life-long learning ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
  • An ability to design, implement, and evaluate a field program to meet desired needs, within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. 
  • An ability to analyze a problem, and identify, formulate and use the appropriate computing and Computer engineering requirements for obtaining its solution.
  • An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities.
  • The broad education necessary to analyze the local and global impact of computing and engineering solutions on individuals, organizations, and society. 
  • An ability to apply design and development principles in the construction of Computer Engineering of varying complexity.
  • Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in continuing professional development and life-long learning.
  • Knowledge of contemporary issues as they affect the professional and ethical practice of engineering.
  • An ability to function effectively individually and on teams, including diverse and multidisciplinary, to accomplish a common goal.

Program Educational Outcomes

  • PEO-1: To impart strong foundation in basic sciences, mathematics and engineering fundamentals, knowledge and capability.
  • PEO-2: To be able to comprehend, understand and analyze Computer Engineering problems and relate them with real life.
  • PEO-3: To provide in depth knowledge to design and develop novel products and innovative solution for real life problems in Computer Engineering field and related domains.
  • PEO-4: To inculcate a conviction to believe in self, impart professional and ethical attitude, nurture to be an effective team member, infuse leadership qualities, build proficiency in soft skills and the abilities to relate engineering with the social issues.
  • PEO-5: To impart exhaustive knowledge of Computer Engineering to take up key assignments in industry, undertake and excel in higher studies and Research & Development in computer science, related engineering fields and management. .

Program Outcomes

  • PO-1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO-2: Problem analysis: Analyze Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • PO-3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex IT engineering problems & design system components or/and processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health & safety, cultural, societal and environmental considerations.
  • PO-4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO-5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO-6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO-7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • PO-8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • PO-9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO-10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO-11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO-12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes

  • PSO-1: Implementation of professional engineering solutions for the betterment of society along with professional ethics and human values
  • PSO-2: The ability to apply engineering knowledge for developing solution of the problems using open-ended programming environments to deliver a quality product in multidisciplinary environment
  • PSO-3: Apply appropriate techniques and modern engineering techniques for the design and integration of computer system and related technologies, to engage students in lifelong learning for the advancement of technology.
  • PSO4 :The ability to understand, analyze and develop computer programs in the areas related to algorithms, system software, multimedia, web design, big data analytics, and networking for efficient design of computer-based systems of varying complexity.
  • PSO5 :The ability to employ modern computer languages, environments, and platforms in creating innovative career paths to be an entrepreneur, and a zest for higher studies.

Faculty profile

Ashish Mahendrabhai Kothari

Ph.D., M.E.

Rajeev Sangal

Ph.D., M.E.

Rashmi Satishkumar Aggrawal

Associate Professor

Ambrish Ashokkumar Patel

Assistant Professor

Ankitkumar Keshavlal Kalariya

Assistant Professor

Bhumika Shitalkumar Zalavadia

Assistant Professor

Bipasha Das

Assistant Professor

Birju Umeshbhai Tank

Assistant Professor

Debalina Nandy

Assistant Professor

Devangi Rasikbhai Paneri

Assistant Professor

Dharmesh Jayantibhai Bhalodiya

Assistant Professor

Divya Solanki

Assistant Professor

Dolly Rajeshbhai Raja

Assistant Professor

Gemini Ashokkumar Parmar

Assistant Professor

Gunjanee Jagdishbhai Vaghela

Assistant Professor

Hiren Mahendrakumar Bhatt

Assistant Professor

Janak Hitendrabhai Maru

Assistant Professor

Jitendra Kantilal Karia

Assistant Professor

Kajalben Vishalbhai Paradava

Assistant Professor

Kalpesh Ramnikbhai Chudasama

Assistant Professor

Kinjal Shashikantbhai Raja

Assistant Professor

Kishan Karmur

Assistant Professor

Krina Bhaveshbhai Masharu

Assistant Professor

Mansi Harjivan Chauhan

Assistant Professor

Mukesh Maganlal Patel

Assistant Professor

Nirali Bhagvandas Gondalia

Assistant Professor

Nirali Pravinbhai Borad

Assistant Professor

Nisha Mukeshbhai Vadodariya

Assistant Professor

Riddhi Darshan Pandya

Assistant Professor

Rupal Jagdishbhai Shilu

Assistant Professor

Sadhana Vitthalbhai Sorathiya

Assistant Professor

Tosal Manojkumar Bhalodia

Assistant Professor

Yagnesh Nareshihbhai Makwana

Assistant Professor

Yesha Jayeshbhai Gandhi

Assistant Professor


A career in computer engineering is considered one of the most high-paying jobs and is imbued with opportunities; particularly in an era where India’s prowess in the information technology industry is recognized globally. Besides, Computer Engineers have plenty of options to work in IT companies in departments such as design, development, assembly, manufacture and maintenance, etc. Working as a programmer, web developer, and E- commerce specialist with telecommunications companies, automotive companies, aerospace companies etc. can be a lucrative career option as well. Moreover, numerous national and multi-national computer manufacturing companies, computer hardware system design and development companies, computer networking companies, software development companies, etc. require computer professionals in large numbers.


Research and Publication

1 Prof. Tosal M. Bhalodia Efficient Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithm for Virtual Machine in Cloud Computing IEEE
Security Challenges in Big Data National Conference (LTNCS-17)
Security Problems and Encounters in Physical system National Conference (LTNCS-17)
Comparative Study of Security Risk in Social Networking and Awareness to Individual Cyber Security. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ,vol 729. Springer, Singapore
Deliberative Study of Security Issues in Cloud Computing Big Data Analytics.Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 654. Springer, Singapore
Minimum-Utilization-Energy-Type routing in wireless sensor network International Journal of Engineering Research and Development
An Enhanced Congestion Control with Bit Error Identification for TCP-Vegas IJESC
A Comprehensive Analysis of various Techniques used for Sentiment ClassificationA Comprehensive Analysis of various Techniques used for Sentiment Classification International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
2 Prof. Debalina A Nandy Security Challenges in Big Data National Conference (LTNCS-17)
Security Problems and Encounters in Physical system National Conference (LTNCS-17)
LI-FI :Light Fidelity - A critical Technical Study International Conference
Survey on Cyber Threats and Management Policis International Journal of Science Research and Technology
Duck Duck go Vs. Google search Engine International Journal of Science Research and Technology
URL obfuscation Phishing and Anti Phishing International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
Anti Phishing Technique to detect URL Obfuscation International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
An Overview of pattern Recognition International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology
3 Prof. Ankit K. Kalariya Digital image watermarking using DWT based DCT technique Elixir International Journals
Performance Analysis of DCT-DWT Based Watermarking Technique RTCNS-2014
Review Paper on Digital Image Watermarking Techniques NCEETM - 2015 - Indus University
Personality Prediction Based on Twitter Information International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology(IJARSCT)
A Review on: Multi-Agent System for Multi-Keyword Search and Blind Storage International Journal of Trend in Innovative Research (IJTIIR)
A diabetes risk assessment method based on machine learning International conference on emerging trends & contemporary practices - ICETCP 2024
5 Prof. Nirali Borad Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Analysis-To Study Road Accidents International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM)
A Review on : Multi-Agent System for Multi-Keyword Search and Blind Storage INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TREND IN INNOVATIVE RESEARCH (IJTIIR)
World of Cyber Security and Cybercrime STM Jornals
Agglomerative Hierchical Clustering Analysis – To Study Road Accident International Conference on Emerging Trends & Contemporary Practices-2024
6 Prof. Sadhana Sorthiya A Review on Clock Synchronization Prortocols in Distributed System National Conference
7 Prof. Janak Maru A brief history of the different types of noise model International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development
Comprehensive Analysis Of Ddos Attack Mitigation Using Software-Defined Networking Strategies: Exploring Challenges And Key Factors Educational Administration: Theory and Practice
Evading biometric authentication through the utilization of steganography 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends & Contemporary Practices - ICETCP 2024
A novel Approach for Image Denoising : Hybridization of DWT and DCT Method Emerging Technologies & Business Intelligence
8 Prof. Ambrish Patel Reducing power consumption & Delay aware resource allocation in cloud datacenters Journal of information, knowledge and research in computer engineering
9 Prof. Yagnesh Makwana Computer Vision in an Embedded System International conference on Wireless networks and Embedded Systems
Image Registration using Intensity based Technique International conference on Research & Development in Engineering, Technology & Sciences
A Case Study - Image processing using Matlab irish recognition system National Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Communication Technologies(NCERICT)
A novel Technique for Robust Image Registration using log polar transform International conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT - 2012)
Advanced Motion Estimation Algorithm for H.263+ International journal of
Advanced Engineering and Applications
Performance Analysis of Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm for H.264/MPEG-4
International Journal of Computer Application in Engineering,
Technology and Sciences
Analysis of compressed Image Quality Assessments International journal of
Advanced Engineering and Applications
10 Prof. Kalpesh Chudasama Performance Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes as Monopole Antenna SAMRIDDHI : A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Performance Analysis Of Block Diagonalization And Dirty Paper Coding Precoding Technique In Multi User Mimosystem International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
Small Scale Industrial Parameter Monitoring Through Ethernet International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Design Of Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) Patch Antenna For WLAN Application International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
11 Prof. Dolly Raja Review On Biometric Two-Way Authentication In Cloud Computing JETIR International Journal
12 Prof. Devangi Paneri A Review on Software Fault Detection using a Classification Model with Dimensionality Reduction Technique International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
Comparison of Different Hybrid Approaches Used for Sentiment Analysis: Survey International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
13 Prof. Kinjal Raja Speech Emotion Recognition Using Machine Learning Educational Administration: Theory and Practice


Sr. No. Event Name Event Date Photo Gallery
1 Industrial Visit – Capgemini - Gandhinagar 2023-12-27 View
2 DEWANG MEHTA IT AWARDS 2023 2023-10-08 View
3 Industrial Visit – Balaji Wafers Private Limited, Rajkot 2023-09-27 View
4 Promising career in digital marketing 2022-11-17 View
5 Webbers Club: Expert Session On Basics Of HTML5 And Introduction To Bootstrap 2021-12-24 View
6 Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav 2021-12-13 View
7 Cyber Security Club Event: Session Of Password Cracking In Linux And Windows 2021-12-10 View
8 Industrial Visit 2021-11-27 View
9 Mongodb workshop 2021-11-01 View
10 Amazon web service workshop 2021-10-29 View
11 Fuel free day 2021-10-27 View
12 Python Club Event: Workshop On Basics Of Python 2021-10-17 View
13 Health Consciousness Expert Session for 1st year students 2021-10-13 View
14 Motivational talk on Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam 2021-10-09 View
15 Motivational talk on Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam 2021-10-09 View
16 Android Club: Workshop On Basics Of Android 2021-09-16 View
17 Gajanan Mahotsav 2021-09-10 View
18 Dewang Mehta IT award 2019-02-01 View

Department Infrastructure



SR. No. Student Name Name of Company
1 Gautami Abhishek Ashokbhai Aerosol Io Limited
2 Dadhaniya Kyuriben Sureshbhai Applified
3 Nayvedya Parshad Shah Bacancy Software LLP
4 Zalak Rajeshkumar Sakhiya Binary Bits
5 Urmil Vitthalbhai Shingadiya Cognifyz Technology
6 Om Nitinbhai Ratneshwar Corbital Technologies LLP
7 Rashi Rajendrakumar Javia
8 Pratik Hareshbhai Parsana Cyber Protectors
9 Sahil Kailashbhai Rangani
10 Tathya Urvishbhai Shukla Cybercom Creation
11 Gami Jeel Kamleshbhai Cypherox Technologies Pvt. Ltd
12 Chauhan Khushi Ashwinbhai De Archviz
13 Shreya Rajnikant Lakhani Deslio
14 Avasarkumar Kanaiyalal Dobariya Dexoc Solutions
15 Omkar Amulbhai Butani DK INFOWAY
16 Abhi Jagdishbhai Gol
17 Dhruv Sanjaybhai Chauhan Freebird
18 Meet Hiteshbhai Gadoya Freebird App Studio LLP
19 Tilak Dineshchandra Sarvaiya
20 Manisha Shukal Jentibhai Hookinsight
21 Rajni Bharatbhai Savaliya I Kraft I Smart
22 Maitri Paragbhai Boghani I Kraft I Smart
23 Jenisha Bijaybhai Kukadiya I Mech Industries
24 Jems Sureshbhai Bavavra Ibiza Ceramic
25 Yash Sandipbhai Makadiya IGen Technology
26 Aum Ashokbhai Thummar iGuru Software Services
27 Shruti Sanjaybhai Viradia Infostring
28 Khevna Jaykumar Tilala
29 Vihar Mukeshbhai Savaliya Infostring-Technolabs Pvt. Ltd
30 Areebah Kadri INIT TECHNOLOGY
31 Rishabh Rajesh Chawda JQspyders
32 Yash Jitendrabhai Kamani Khushal Industries
33 Mehta Jay Kishanbhai KNOVOS INDIA PVT. LTD.
34 Umesh Sahijwani
35 Jenisha Ashokbhai Mayani Koops Technologies LLP
36 Bhargav Rajeshbhai Sardhara M B Sardhara & Associates
37 Vivek Shashikanthbhai Raja
38 Kris Atulbhai Thumar
39 Ravi Kaushikbhai Tavde Mvm Digitals
40 Bansi Vinod Bharadwa Optimumitapps
41 Angel Bhaveshbhai Lakhatarviya Pal Ceramic Private Limited
42 Darshan Hiteshbhai Vyas PLANEX WEB
43 Jayraj Pareshbhai Nakum Qspider
44 Tirth Jiteshbhai Koradiya
45 Jeena Mayurbhai Bhalodiya
46 Tilak Pravinbhai Sheta
47 Durgesh Jitendrabhai Thapaniya
48 Riya Sojitra
49 Vasu Rasikbhai Kantesariya
50 Piyush Premjibhai Madhad Reliance SMSL Limited
51 Chaitali Harshadbhai Joshi Rudra Solutions
52 Devansh Shaileshbhai Makadia Rushkar Technology
53 Harsh Sanjaybhai Pawar Satv Script
54 Anand Dixitbhai Nimbark
55 Trivedi Machk Yogeshbhai
56 Niyati Hiteshbhai Zinzuwadiya Shine Technolab
57 Yash Mukeshbhai Malaviya Shree Gokul Industries
58 Jatin Kishorbhai Gadhiya
59 Priyank Dangar Simform
60 Priyank Dangar
61 Khunt Preet Sanjaybhai SMART TECHNICA
62 Jeel Kamleshbhai Kachhiya SourceVed Technologies
63 Jeel Bhaveshbhai Vachhani
64 Nandini Prafulbhai Karshala
65 Joshi Om Jayeshbhai
66 Drashti Kalpeshbhai Chavda STP WEB HOSTING
67 Harshad Kantilal Sorathiya The One Technologies
68 Harsh Pravinbhai Lakhatariya
69 Jay Jayeshbhai Gajipara
70 Vansh Nileshbhai Jogi Veritech
71 Jay Shantilal Parmar Vivansh Infotech
72 Dhruvi Chetanbhai Nonghanvadra Vivansh Infotech
73 Vishwaba Jayvantsinh Jadeja W3NUTS
74 Shraddha Manojbhai Nakum Webcodegenie
75 Hima Dipakbhai Vadaliya
76 Kanad Jigneshbhai Joshi
77 Jaymin Rajeshbhai Ambaliya
78 Muktikumaar Chandrakantbhai Markana XceLTec Interactive Private Limited
79 Ravirajsinh Divgajisinh Chudasama Yudiz Solutions
80 Borsania Divy Nileshbhai Zeroes
81 Karan Shantibhai Makwana Zigments Technolab


SR. No. Student Name Name of Company
1 Arati Lakhubhai Modhwadiya 1into2
2 Anjali Rajeshbhai Tilva 1into2 Digital
3 Kashyap Ashvinbhai Bavaliya 3 WAY Technologies
4 Jay Mahendrabhai Malli 42Gears Mobility Systems Pvt. Ltd.
5 Ashray Rajeshbhai Vegad Alian Software
6 Jenil Vitthalbhai Vachhani
7 Prince Pareshbhai Chovatiya
8 Dhruvrajsinh Ashoksinh Rayjada
9 Nishit AtulBhai Detroja
10 Brijesh Kamleshbhai Kanpariya AppWin Solution
11 Disha Hematbhai Rabadiya Asite Solutions Pvt Ltd
12 Megha Kishorkumar Rank
13 Pratik Gadhiya
14 Pratik Jaydeep Nandani
15 Meet Bharatbhai Sejpal Avidclan Technologies
16 Jay Rajubhai Vora Awaken Technology
17 Jay Rajnibhai Dharodiya Backline Solution
18 Shreedatt Ashokkumar Antala
19 Rajvat Pareshbhai Makadia
20 Raj Rasikbhai Kansagara Bandhu Star Export
21 Prince Mukeshbhai Kansagara
22 Mobhera Dipti JAYANTIBHAI Bestcoder
23 Aniruddhsinh Raysinhbhai Vala Blue Dwarf Technology Pvt. Ltd.
24 Jigar Maganbhai Sathwara
25 Gaurang Miteshbhai Goswami Brainy Beam Technology
26 Jugal Vishnubhai Patel
27 Sakhiya Yagnik Jayeshkumar Codersfarm
28 Sanyam Mukesh Rehi COVRIZE IT Solution
29 Pinal Jayantibhai Sonpal
30 Ashish Pravinkumar Parmar
31 Ujash Kishorbhai Vaishnav Craftbox Technology
32 Arjunsinh Ajitsinh Zala
33 Lakaliya Dhruv Ashvinbhai Credence International
34 Hil Jayantibhai Vadodariya Decoded Innovation LLP
35 Marmik Nileshkumar Dave D-Frame
36 Rajkumar Pareshbhai Halvadiya FSP Media
37 Viraj Rameshbhai Mavani
38 Mirali Kanak Kavar
39 Prit Jayeshbhai Dadhania FutureStack
40 Dhruvik Atulbhai Zatakiya Gateway Group
41 Udit Kiritbhai Nimavat GNWebSoft
42 Abhay Pravinbhai Harsoda I-engineering Software Private Limited
43 Mahamadavesh Mahebubbhai Mathakiya IFour Technolab
45 Nilam Nagendrabhai Singh Improwised Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
46 Vishwash Sandipbhai Bamta Infosenseglobal Pvt. Ltd.
47 Vishal Vrajlal Satasiya Intforce Software
48 Darpan Pankaj kumar Manek Levaral Softwares Private Limited
49 Vivek Jayantibhai Vadodariya
50 Vishwa Shaileshbhai Trambadiya
51 Ketul Deepakbhai Shah
52 Vaibhav Sanjaybhai Trada Microcap Marketplace Pvt. Ltd.
53 Krushali Dineshbhai Varsani Motadata
55 Prince Manishbhai Khimani Plusinfosys
56 Renish Harish Jungi Qualtab
57 Patel Sarvesh Nileshbhai
58 Anvit Kishorbhai Patel
59 Pritkumar Karashanbhai Godhani RejoiceHub Solutions
60 Prachi Pravinbhai Ardeshna Riseup Infotech
61 Kakadiya Kishan Rajeshbhai RKIT SOFTWARE PVT. LTD.
62 Drashti Rakesh Kothari Rushkar Technology
63 Dharmesh Bharatkumar Limbasiya
64 Harsiddhh Himmatbhai Patel Satv Script
65 Vora Penil Sureshbhai
66 Jagratkumar Manharbhai Patanwadia
67 Raj Maheshbhai Barasara
68 Vishva Dineshbhai Bhut Satwa Naturals
69 Jinsi Prakashbhai Viradiya Scanpoint Geomatics Ltd.
70 Jay Sanjaybhai Kakadiya SoftClues Solutions
71 Sarvangi Amrish Thaker Streebo
72 Rutu Mansukhbhai Rabadiya Tatvasoft
73 Fenil Yogeshbhai Lathigara The One Technologies
74 Dhairya Shashikantbhai Patel
75 Raj Jentibhai Raiyani
76 Dhruvi Manojkumar Sinojiya
77 Urvish Arvindbhai Ajudiya
78 Dipti Ajaybhai Kantaria
79 Mansi Jayeshbhai Bhuva
80 Yash Pravinhbhai Gami TJ Cloud Globe
81 Dharasandia Yash Ashokbhai Tridhya Tech PVT.LTD
82 Pushpak Chandrakanth Gohil
83 Rutuja Rajesh Dhaneja
84 Lakhani Aryan Prafulbhai Wakeupp Infoservices LLP
85 Arpit Bhupatbhai Kanani
86 Kevin Vipulbhai Vasani
87 Sehngar Jayeshsinh Munendrasinh WebCodeGenie Technology Pvt. Ltd.
88 Vishal Ghanshyam Madhu
89 Mahi Hareshbhai Limbasiya
90 Shreyansh Vinodbhai Bhimani
91 Yash Bharatbhai Akbari
92 Vaibhavi Pravinkumar Dhruv Webline India
93 Sodha Moxa Prakashbhai White Orange Software
94 Ishrani Rajiv Mukeshdan Whiteline NFT Pvt Ltd
95 Vatsal Nileshbhai Joshi Yudiz Solutions Limited
96 Jay Hitesh Makwana
97 Parita Mayurbhai Mehta Zignuts Technolab PVT.LTD
98 Pritulkumar Vallabhbhai Jogiya
99 Dhara Balaynthbhai Khandvi
100 Bhoomi Balvantbhai Khandvi
101 Krushita Harshadbhai Gajera
102 Hetvi Kamleshbhai Kalariya ZipBooks

1 Raj Dhirajbhai Vora Cybercom Creation
2 Romil Ashvinbhai Hirapara Cybercom Creation
3 Chauhan Viral Rameshchandra Cybercom Creation
4 Dhruv Harsukhbhai Dhuliya Esparkbiz Technologies Pvt Ltd
5 Deepkumar Dhirubhai Thumar Ilaxo
6 Harsh Mukeshbhai Savaliya Cybercom Creation
7 Dharmanshu Hiteshkumar Mer Cybercom Creation
8 Monil Chandulal Vaishnani Esparkbiz Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
9 Vivek Virendrakumar Mehta Yudiz Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
10 Bhavin Gajubhai Dihora Ilaxo Software Solutions
11 Mihir Rajeshbhai Vyas Theappguruz
12 Bhavna Lakhabhai Modhavadiya Sharepoint Empower
13 Manthan Jaysukhbhai Limbasiya Simform Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
14 Hiren Khodbhaya The Appguruz
15 Akshar Dipakbhai Dodiya Theappguruz
16 Dharmik Niteshbhai Bharakhda The App Guruz
17 Apexa Sanjaybhai Savaliya The Appguruz
18 Nitin Ramchandra Manvani Virtue Infotech
19 Kishan Ashokbhai Mehta Js Techno
20 Gadhiya Milan Rameshbhai The One Technologies
21 Dhara Bhaskarbhai Vaya Harikrishna Trade Links
22 Jaydev Jayeshbhai Joshi Keycybr
23 Dhaval Sabapara Keycybr
24 Raijada Adityarajsinh Rupeshkumar The Appguruz
25 Karishmaba Nayansinh Raijada The Appguruz
26 Kothari Nishi Shaileshkumar Teqstars Technologies
27 Kayada Mitesh Ibl Infotech
28 Yagnik Nagajibhai Sojitra Infydots Technologies
29 Hemali Hiteshbhai Bhagdev Vivekananda College
30 Chirag Keshavjibhai Halapara Bansi Photo Lab
31 Hetvi Yogesh Joisar Soar Technologies
32 Nirav Rameshbhai Gondaliya Elsner Technologies Pvt. Ltd
33 Meet Maheshbhai Dhruv Allianz Cloud
34 Yogesh Kumar Solanki Allianz Cloud
35 Harsh Bhagavanjibhai Korat Aegis Software
36 Nitin Ramchandra Manvani The Appguruz
37 Chintan Lalitbhai Trada Shiv Infotech
38 Bhakti Trambadia The Appguruz
39 Pushpam Umesh Patel Vardaam Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd
40 Milan Hitesh Jotva Logistic Infotech Pvt Ltd
41 Bhargav Kamleshbhai Raiyani Shiv Infotech
42 Jeel Virendrakumar Shah Moon Technolabs
43 Nirav Rameshbhai Gondaliya Icecube Digital
44 Romil Ashvinbhai Hirapara Icecube Digital
45 Jaydev Jayeshbhai Joshi Volon
46 Vikram Nileshbhai Vora Searce
47 Harsh Bhagavanjibhai Korat Xomic Infotech
48 Devang Yogeshbhai Rajyaguru Rk Infotech
49 Shreya Hirpara Kuber accounting software
50 Parva Manishbhai Raijada Infosenseglobal
51 Dev Pankajkumar Joshi 9series Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
52 Harsh Nileshbhai Bhatt ISRO
53 Nirali Mahendrabhai Joshi Radixweb
54 Dev Ravibhai Dave Codevision Technologies Pvt Ltd
55 Dev Ravibhai Dave Brainvire Infotech Pvt Ltd
56 Twisha Hiteshkumar Solgama Parmeshwar Electrotech Pvt. Ltd.
57 Dharmesh Prafulbhai Marthak Tark Technologies
58 Mahek Ranchhodbhai Ardeshna Alian software
59 Kelvin Hareshbhai Kakadiya Yudiz solutions Pvt Ltd


1 Hasti Patel Rangoli Competition 1st Rank In Rangoli Competition During Gajanan Mahotsav -2021
2 Niraj Bhatt And Team Treasure Hunt Got 1st Rank In Treasure Hunt Competition
3 Hasti Patel Our Rajkot 3rd Rank In Video Making Competition In Our Rajkot Competition
4 Dishitaba Zala Garba Competition Got Consolidated Price In Garba Competition – 2021
5 Rajvi Kotecha Ssip Grant & Patent Register Smart Mirror Using Raspberry Pi
6 Hasti Patel Quiz Competition 1st Rank In Quiz Competition Organized By Fobc
7 Anirudhsinh Vala Fast & Furious Quiz 1st Rank In Fast & Furious Quiz