Atmiya University

About Department

Vision & Mission


Courses offered in this program are designed such that students will have driving force towards the skill development part so far as application areas of the electronics are concerned. The students will be able to apply the fundamentals of electronics in the design and understanding of various electronics machines.

The Program Objectives are that the students will be able to:

  • Excel in professional career in rapidly changing world of physics due to advances in the technologies and/or higher education by acquiring knowledge in area of Physics (Professional Effectiveness and Continuing Education)

  • Analyze real life problems, design appropriate system to provide solutions that are technically sound, economically feasible and socially acceptable (Contribution to Society)

  • Exhibit professionalism, ethical attitude, communication skills, team work in their profession and adapt to current trends by engaging in lifelong learning (Excellence in Career)

Graduate Attributes

  • Academic excellence: Ability to identify key questions, research and pursue rigorous evidence-based arguments

  • Critical Thinking and Effective communications: Analysis and evaluation of information to form a judgment about a subject or idea and ability to effectively communicate the same in a structured form.

  • Global Citizenship: Mutual understanding with others from diverse cultures, perspectives and backgrounds

  • Life Long Learning: Open, curious, willing to investigate, and consider new knowledge and ways of thinking

Program Educational Outcomes

PEO-1 : Core competency: Will foster the ability to seek after advanced education or effective expert profession with synergistic blend of the information and abilities of Physics and associated sciences.

PEO-2: Breadth of knowledge: will show abilities of freely planning, executing and deciphering little exploration issues by incorporating the interdisciplinary information on Physics and different spaces

PEO-3: Preparedness: will reflect proficient conduct and can possibly show readiness to take any errand or task in the limit of a pioneer or colleague in their picked occupations or vocations and networks

PEO-4: Professionalism : will reflect qualities and duties in the person to make them fit to work in a multidisciplinary group and to become socio-morally capable resident

PEO-5: Learning environment: will show mentality of self-learning capacities and keep themselves side by side with new improvement in all circles of life.

Program Outcomes

PO-1: Domain knowledge: Exhibit the information on ideas, standards and uses of Physics in different fields.

PO-2: Problem analysis: Secure basic speculation abilities to comprehend and take care of contemporary issues with Physics area information and abilities

PO-3: Design/development of solutions: Comprehend the complex physical phenomena and configuration organized systems or cycles that meet the predetermined necessities

PO-4; Conduct investigations of complex problems: Gain capacity to configuration, direct examinations, break down and decipher information for exploring issues in Physics and united areas.

PO-5: Modern tool usage: Comprehend standard working strategies and procure top to bottom specialized skill to deal with the essential research facility instruments

PO-6: The Physics Professional and society: Comprehend own's part in the public arena and act in a fair and predictable way dependent on a solid self-appreciation and individual qualities.

PO-7: Environment and sustainability: Comprehend complex natural issues identified with physical science and their interrelationships and requirement of interdisciplinary spaces for practical turn of events

PO-8: Ethics: Apply moral norms and spotlight on capable ethics and commitments and principles of the Physical practice.

PO-9: Individual and team work: Ready to work successfully as individual and as a part in multidisciplinary settings.

PO-10: Communication: Convey adequately utilizing various modes with academic local area as well as with the general public on the loose

PO-11: Project management and finance: apply these to one's own work, as a part and pioneer in a group, to oversee projects and in multidisciplinary conditions.

PO-12: Life-long learning: Ready to perceive the need to embrace long lasting learning and gain the ability to do as such.

Program Specific Outcomes

PSO-1: Obtain information on the essentials of Physics for sound and strong base which empowers them to comprehend the arising and progressed designing ideas in Physical sciences

PSO-2: To prepare the understudies to seek after advanced education and examination in presumed organizations at public and worldwide level.

PSO-3: Have the option to comprehend information on Physics to discover imaginative answers for worldwide issues

PSO-4: Conclude the potential outcomes and impression of transformations in Physical sciences and examination for discovering supportable moral answers for existing issue.

PSO-5: Have the option to investigate issues identified with Physical science and give compelling arrangements through industry-the scholarly world associations

Faculty profile

Mihir J. Joshi

Ph.D, M.Sc.

Dipak Jayantilal Dave

Associate Professor
Ph.D, M.Sc.

Chetan Bhupendrabhai Joshi

Assistant Professor

Hepi Karashanbhai Ladani

Assistant Professor
Ph.D, M.Sc.

Nikunj Dharmendrabhai Pandya

Assistant Professor
Ph.D, M.Sc.

Ojas Mahendrakumar Suroo

Assistant Professor
Ph.D, M.Sc.


Physics is an exciting subject of science which is essential for advancement in research and technology. This subject finds vital role in nurturing imagination power more than reading. As imagination is the stimulating process playing key role for giving birth to evolution. Also technical advancement for the progress of civilization cannot be possible without knowledge of traditional and modern physics.

Knowledge of physics can be implemented to various disciplines like agriculture, environmental sciences, astrophysics, medicine, cosmology, engineering and technology etc. Study of such a subject of huge importance ensures a great career advancement for an individual.

B.Sc. Physics is three-year degree program that comprises of theories, concepts in physics and interdisciplinary subjects’ chemistry, computer science and mathematics. The components of learning include Quantum Mechanics, Classical Mechanics, Electro Statics, Magneto statics Electrodynamics, Thermodynamics, Statistical mechanics, Optics, Solid state physics and Atomic & Molecular Spectroscopy etc. Students with good understanding of these subjects finds opportunities to work as professionals and researchers in departments that demand a good understanding of physics and its concepts.

Graduation in physics leads to various opportunities for career build up such as;

(i) Higher Education after B.Sc. Physics

  • There are many higher studies option for physics graduate which as tabulated as below:

Degree Specializations

M.Sc. in Physics


(Master of Science)

Physics, Applied Physics, Advanced Physics, Biophysics, Optical Physics, Molecular Physics, Geophysics, Nanoscience, Nanotechnology, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Energy Science, Atmospheric Science, Particle/Nuclear Physics, Aeronautics etc.

MBA after Physics

Artificial Intelligence, Information Systems, IT management, Pharmaceutical Management, Data Science, Information Technology, Energy Management etc.

PG Diploma Courses after BSc Physics

PG Diploma in Advanced Physics, Energy Science, Astronomy, Physics & Engineering in medicine, Space Exploration Systems, Space Science & Technology, Nuclear Medicine Imaging, Optical Technologies


(ii) Entrance Exams to Pursue Higher Education after BSc Physics

Exam Name Organizing Body Applicable for Admission in



Applicable for Admission in



MSc and PhD



MSc Physics or Integrated Courses


(iii) Job Placement:

Job Name Role


Research Assistant or Technician

Physics Lecturer

Master degree is essential to enter this profession

Lab Assistant

Handling of technical equipment at various clinics, laboratories or institutes

Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Creation of subject content at various organizations.


Researcher or Scientist at various organizations like DRDO, BARC, ISRO, NTPC, BHEL etc


Technical Support

Radiologist Assistant

Radiologist for medical imagining equipments like MRI, Nuclear Medicine, positron emission tomography (PET) and ultrasound

Research and Publication

Dr. Dipak Dave

1.   Thermal, FT-IR and SHG efficiency studies of L – arginine doped KDP crystals, Bull. Mater. Sci., 30, 105-112, 2007

2.   Crystal Growth, Thermal, Optical and dielectric properties of L – Lysine doped KDP crystals, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 23, 1589 – 1602, 2009

3.   Growth and Spectroscopic, Thermal, Dielectric and SHG studies of L – threonine doped KDP crystals, J. of Optoelect. And Adv. Mater., 11, 602-609, 2009

4.   Growth and characterization of Bis Thiourea Strontium Chloride Single Crystals, Mod. Phys. Letter. B, 24 (8): 735 – 747, 2010

5.   Effect of different amino acids doping on various characterization of KDP single crystals, Proceeding of National seminar on detector grade single crystals (BARC, Mumbai)

6.   Growth and characterization of L – alanine doped KDP crystals, Cryst. Res. and •Technol, 45, 603 – 610, 2010

7.   Growth and Characterization of L – Arginine doped ADP crystals, Recent Trends in Func. Mater. Res., 27-28, 2012

8. Vickers Micro-hardness Studies of Amino acids (L-histidine, L-threonien • and DL-methionine) doped KDP crystals, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 665,172-178, 2013

9.  Growth and characterization of L-tryptophan doped KDP crystals, AIP Conf. Proc. 1536, 837 , 2013

10.   Growth and Characterization of DL-methionine Doped KDP Crystals, IEEE, 21, 1-4, 2012

11. Dielectric and Spectroscopy Studies of L-arginine Doped Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate, IEEE, 21, 1-4, 2012

12. A.C. Permittivity and conductivity studies of Ni-doped Pb levo-tartrate crystals, Journal of Material Science, Materials in Electronics, 35 (2024) 1243, Springer Publications.

13.A.C. Permittivity and conductivity studies of Ni-doped Pb levo-tartrate crystals, Journal of Material Science, Materials in Electronics, 32 (2021) 9126–9148, Springer Publications.


Dr. Vishal S. Vora

Special Achievements

1.   Published book, being solo author, entitled as “Embedded Systems” as per Mumbai University Syllabus for B.E. 7th semester ETC with TECH-NEO Publications, Pune having ISBN 978-93-90376-63-6.

2.   Published book, being Co-author, entitled as “Microcontroller and Embedded Programming” as per Mumbai University Syllabus for B.E. 5th semester IT with TECH-NEO Publications, Pune having ISBN 978-93-90376-71-7.

3.   Filed Patent on my research (Ph.D.) having application number 3539/MUM/2013 & CBR No. 16831.

4.   Published book, being solo author, entitled as “Embedded Systems” as per GTU Syllabus for B.E. 7th semester EC with Techmax Publications, Pune having ISBN 978-93-5077-004-7.

5.   Published book, being solo author, entitled as “Embedded System” as per PU- (Pune University) Syllabus for B.E. 7th semester IT with Techmax Publications, Pune having ISBN 978-93-5077-003-0.

6.   Published book, being solo author, entitled as “Embedded System” as per PU- (Pune University) Syllabus for B.E. 7th semester CE with Techmax Publications, Pune having ISBN 978-93-5077-005-4.

7.   Published book, being solo author, entitled as “Embedded System” as per Shivaji University, Kolhapur Syllabus for B.E. 7th semester ETC with Techmax Publications, Pune having ISBN 978-93-5077-010-8.

8.   My M.Tech Thesis published as a book entitled as “Implementation & Analysis of various attacks on digital images” with LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany having ISBN 978-3-8484-4970-5.

9.   Organized 2 times one day Technical Symposium on “AVR Microcontroller and its application” by celebrity expert Dr. Dhanjany V. Gadre on 14th April 2012 & 25th July, 2013 at AITS, with 300 Participants around the state at both times.

10.   Published article on “Revolution that happens in our daily life –thanks to EC Engg. Branch” in newspaper Kathiyawadi Post dated 15th March, 2013.

11.   Published article on “Role of Real Time Scheduling Algorithms in building innovative & Novel industrial embedded applications” in newspaper Kathiyawadi Post dated, 20th April, 2013.

12.   Reviewer for GIT- Journal of Engineering and Technology, National Level search Journal having ISSN 2249-6157.

13.   Reviewer for International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics (IJCSBI) having ISSN: 1694-2108.

14.   Reviewer for International Journal of Darshan Institute on Engineering Research and Emerging Technologies having ISSN: 2320 – 7590.

15.   Reviewer for International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research having ISSN: 2454-1524.

16.   Reviewer for IJIRST - International Journal for Innovative Research in Science and Technology having online ISSN: 2349-6010 and having impact factor 3.559 (year 2015).

Recognized Ph.D. Supervisor and DPC Member at Atmiya University & GTU


Papers Published/Presented:

International (Published/Presented)

1.   Paper entitled as “Information Dissemination strategies for safety applications in VANET- A Review” at the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems organized by SCAD College of Engineering & Technology on 17th & 18th February, 2022 at Tirunelveli, India. (Springer Proceedings).

2.   Paper entitled as “Concise examination of Spectrum sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio - Issues and Challenges”, presented in IETE National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Intelligent Electronic System Design organized by M.A.N.I.T., Bhopal during 18-19th September, 2021.

3.   Paper entitled as “A Comparative study of different system on chip buses based on industry standards: AMBA, Core connect & wishbone”, published in International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Vol. 1, Issue-11, Feb 2020, having ISSN (online) 2321-0613.

4.   Paper entitled as “Design & Implementation of Real Time Scheduling algorithms for applications in embedded system” presented in 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology in 28-30th March 2019 & published in Proceeding of Elsevier Science and Technology.

5.   Paper entitled as “Implementation of data transfer operation for multilayer AHB Bus matrix” published in International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Applications in Engineering Technology & Sciences, having ISSN: 0974-3588 in January 2018.

6.   Paper entitled as “A Comparative study of different system on chip buses based on industry standards: AMBA, Core connect and wishbone” published in International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, having ISSN (online): 2321-0613 in May 2019.

7.   Paper entitled as “Design control unit & ROM unit of low power FFT Processor for OFDM System”, published in International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE) in April 2013.

8.   Paper entitled as “Remotely Secured Device Access using GSM”, published in International Journal of Global Research Analysis, having ISSN 2277-8160, in vol.2 issue 4, April 2013.

9.   Paper entitled as “Design incrementing burst data transfer operation for AMBA- Advanced high performance bus”, published in International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE) in April 2013.

10.   Paper entitled as “Advertising Display System using LED and Graphical LCD” published in International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Vol. 1, Issue 2, May 2013, having ISSN (Online): 2321-0613.

11.   Paper entitled as “Real Time Monitoring & Control System for Industry” published in International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Vol. 1, Issue 2, May 2013, having ISSN (Online): 2321-0613.

12.   Paper entitled as “A reformed cluster head of leach protocol and performance analysis with conventional routing protocol for WSN” presented in International Conference on Research & Development in Engineering, Technology & Sciences at G.K. Bharad Institute of Engineering, Tramba, Rajkot on 7th April 2013 & published in AES Journals in Engineering Technology Sciences & Management.

13.   Paper entitled as “Implementation & Performance analysis of Rehabilitated Cyclic Scheduling Algorithm for Real Time Systems using TORSCHE & True Time Kernel” published in International Journal entitled as “Research & Review: A Journal of Embedded System and Applications” in March 2013.

14.   Paper entitled as “Design of Real Time Scheduling algorithms for efficient mass production in various industrial applications” published in International Journal of Darshan Institute of Engineering Research & Emerging Technologies in Vol.1, No.1 in March 2013, having ISSN No 2320-7590.

15.   Paper entitled as “An Advanced Approach for Implementation of Real Time Scheduling Algorithm for Efficient Mass Production” presented in International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing at GCET, Vallabh Vidhyanagar on 1-2 March 2013 & published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

16.   Paper entitled as “Performance analysis of augmented energy efficient Routing Protocol (LEACH) for utilization in wireless network using NS2” published in International Journal of Computer and Electronics Engineering Volume 4 Number, pp 280-283 having ISSN: 0975-4202 in December 2012.

17.   Paper entitled “Implementation & Performance analysis of real time scheduling algorithms for three industrial embedded applications (IEA)” published in International Journal of Information Technology Convergence and Services (IJITCS) Vol.2, No.6, December 2012, having ISSN 2231-153X (Online) & 2231-1939 (Print).

18.   Paper entitled “Smart Multiprocessor Environment Handling using novel real time scheduling algorithm” published in International Journal of Electronics, Electrical & Communication Engineering in the issue of December 2012, having ISSN 0975-4814.

19.   Paper entitled “Augmentation of RMS Algorithm for embedded multimedia applications” published in International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies in the issue of September 2012, having E-ISSN 2249-8974.

20.   Paper entitled “Implementation & Performance analysis of real time kernel for design of distributed control network using True Time Simulator” published in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology in the issue of August 2012, having ISSN 2278-0181.

21.   Paper entitled “Smart Embedded Real Time System Applications using optimized EDF Scheduling Algorithm” published in International Journal of Information and Computing Technology in the issue of November 2011, having ISSN 0976-5999.

22.   Paper entitled “Novel Real Time Scheduling Algorithm for Embedded Multimedia Applications” published in International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 3, October 2011 with pages from 69 to 74, having ISSN 2229-5216.

23.   Paper entitled “Performance Analysis of Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC”- published in International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Applications in Engineering Technology & Sciences in July 2010 Issue having paper ID 983.

24.   Paper entitled “Analysis of Compressed Image Quality Assessments”- published in International Journal of Advanced Engineering & Applications in January 2010, Vol. II, and pp. 225-229.

25.   Paper entitled “Security of digital Images from Geometric Attacks”- presented in International Conference on Signals, Systems & Automation during 28-29 December 2009 at GCET.

26.   Paper entitled “Computer Vision in an Embedded System” – presented & published in International Conference on Wireless Networks & Embedded System during 23-24 October 2009 at Punjab and pp. 35-38.

27.   Paper entitled “Implementation of Real Time Scheduling in MATLAB – presented & published in International Conference on Wireless Networks & Embedded System during 23-24 October 2009 at Punjab and pp. 69-74.

28.   Paper entitled “Implementation of Image Compression Algorithm on MATLAB” – published in International Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering, Technology & Sciences in September 2009, Vol. I, Issue-2 and pp. 292-294.

29.   Paper entitled “Vision Algorithm for Smart Cameras and Computer Vision based on Embedded System” – published in International Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering, Technology & Sciences in September 2009, Vol. I, Issue-2 and pp. 660-664.


National (Published/Presented)

1.   Paper entitled as “Mobile operated Car Cooling System”, published in Journal of Microprocessor Engineering & Applications, Volume 1, Issue 1, in January 2014.

2.   Paper entitled as “Video Streaming using Raspberry Pi”, published in Journal of Multimedia Technology & Recent Advancements, STM Journals, having ISSN: 2349-9028 in December 2014.

3.   Paper entitled as “GSM Based Complete Advertising Display & Control System” presented & published in All India Conference on Global Innovations in Electronics & Automation, during April 12th-13th, 2013 at Chhatrapati Shivaji Institute of Technology, Shivaji Nagar, Durg, India, having ISBN – 978-81-923288-1-2.

4.   Paper entitled as “Wireless Monitoring & Control System” presented & published in All India Conference on Global Innovations in Electronics & Automation, during April 12th-13th, 2013 at Chhatrapati Shivaji Institute of Technology, Shivaji Nagar, Durg, India, having ISBN – 978-81-923288-1-2.

5.   Paper entitled as “A Novel Approach for Adjustment of CH in Energy Efficient Routing Protocol (LEACH) for Wireless Sensor Network”, published in Journal of Network Security, STM Journals in January 2013.

6.   Paper entitled “Implementation of Real Time Scheduling in MATLAB” presented & published in Emerging Trends in Information Communication Technologies on 19th April 2009 at CCET.

7.   Paper entitled “A Case Study - Image Processing using MATLAB/IRIS Recognition System” published in Emerging Trends in Information Communication Technologies on 19th April 2009 at CCET.

8.   Paper entitled “A Case Study - Attendance System using Radio Frequency Identification” published in Emerging Trends in Information Communication Technologies on 19th April 2009 at CCET.

9.   Paper entitled “Remote Triggering Based Embedded Server for Smart Home Environment” presented & published in Atmiya National Conference Cluster during 20-23 October 2009.


Dr. Nikunj D. Pandya

Papers Published

1.   Crystal Growth and Properties Measurements of Nickel doped Potassium Dihydrogen Citrate Crystals
Journal of Material Science, Materials in Electronics, 32 (2021) 9126–9148,
Springer Publications.

2.   Effect of Cr3+ on growth, thermal, photoluminescence and electrical properties of Potassium Dihydrogen Citrate single crystal.
Materials Research Express, 6 (2019) 086324, IOP Science.

3.   Structural, Spectroscopic and Thermal Studies of Potassium Di-Hydrogen Citrate Crystal
Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering, 10 (2017) 116-120.

4.  A.C. Permittivity and conductivity studies of Ni-doped Pb levo-tartrate crystals, Journal of Material Science, Materials in Electronics, 35 (2024) 1243, Springer Publications.

5.A.C. Permittivity and conductivity studies of Ni-doped Pb levo-tartrate crystals, Journal of Material Science, Materials in Electronics, 32 (2021) 9126–9148, Springer Publications.

Dr. Hepi K. Ladani

Papers Published

1.   Growth and Elemental, FTIR Spectroscopic, Thermal and UV-Vis Studies of Pure and Alanine Doped Lithium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Materials, 10-15, Dec-2023

2.   Structural, optical, dielectric relaxation, complex impedance and modulus spectroscopic studies of pure and glutamic acid doped potassium dihydrogen phosphate
Indian Journal of Physics, 2397–2410, Dec-2023

3.   Growth and Elemental, FTIR Spectroscopic and Thermal Analysis of Pure and Isoleucine Doped Lithium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals
International Journal of Scientific Research in Physics and Applied Sciences, 33-37, Aug-2023

4.   Growth and characterization studies of pure and glutamic acid doped potassium dihydrogen phosphate crystals
International Journal of Scientific Research in Physics and Applied Sciences, 26-30, Apr-2023

5.   The Influence of Isoleucine on Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Lithium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 596-606, 62, July 2024


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